Intro Episode 2

Intro Eng

Homework Episode 2

Homework, Eng

Play Episode 2

8 Twinkle, Pedal Theme and Var C:

9 Lightly Row:

10 A Little Fairytale:

11 My School Day:

12 London Bridge:

13 Hippopotamus:

14 Cuckoo:

15 Lullaby:

16 Amaryllis:

17 Herdsman´s Song:

18 Go Tell Aunt Rhody:

Intro Kursgång 2

Intro Svenska

Läxa Kursgång 2

Läxa Svenska

Teach Episode 2

8 Twinkle, Theme Ped Non Leg:

Twinkle, Pedal Var C:

9 Lightly Row:

10 A Little Fairytale:

11 My School Day:

12 London Bridge:

13 Hippopotamus:

14 Cuckoo:

15 Lullaby:

16 Amaryllis:

17 Herdsman´s song:

18 Go Tell Aunt Rhody:

Fun  With Practise

Fun With Practise